Truck and Trailer Service
Our company provides service to it´s own vehicles and naturally to customer vehicles as well. Our employees are trained to repair DAF and Mercedes vehicles. We also guarantee certified measurement of brake system on trucks and trailers as well as of equipment for geometry settings. We use diagnostic programs and devices from Mercedes Benz (lorries and commercial vehicles) and DAF. We supply spare parts from authorized partners of these brands.
- Tachograph calibration
- Certified brake system inspection of trucks and trailers (WABCO) )
- Wheel alingment and balancing
- Tyre service : sale and service of all tyre types for cars and trucks.

Vlastimil Miřejovský
Vedoucí servisu
příjem objednávek
tel: +420 739 242 858

Vladimír Matoušek
nákup a prodej ND
tel: +420 412 358 842